FreeFallin - have a look in the Bible Research forum here on this board and you will find a couple of threads started by Kat called 'Which Bible to Get' - think they will be very relevant.
individuals wife
JoinedPosts by individuals wife
I need a Bible
by FreeFallin inok... i want to try to read the bible from cover to cover.
what are anyone's recommendations for an unbiased,easy to read translation.
i read on another site that the nwt is flawed.
individuals wife
Hi Legate
Nice to meet you here.
Bore us with too many details?? Nah, not us! I know what you mean about work and university and time.... I always seem to be watching the clock these days - it's hard to fit everything in isn't it (especially with my 3 kids as well!) Still, I feel it is SO important to make time to come here, it is the only place I can go where people understand the problems associated with leaving the org, it has been invaluable to me and also serves as a constant encouragement. My heart literally leaps everytime I see a newbie here, it is such an achievement for someone to walk away.
I can also understand what you say about losing your supply of friends, when I left the JWs I had no friends at all in the 'world'. It was a very lonely place for a time until I got myself sorted out with college and volunteer work, the friends I have now are unconditional friends, they aren't my friends just because I belong to the same belief system.
I would especially like to get in touch with anyone in their 20's. No offence intended but it is good to know few people your own age.
No offence taken.... too old to qualify.... 30..... 'sigh'..... -
Im not tough
by joelbear inabout a week after the september 11th thing when i was feeling devastated and in total despair, i went through an "i give up" phase.. i came out of that phase (or thought i did) with a new gung ho, i ain't gonna take no crap concept of myself.
you probably saw my post about marshall arts.
this was gonna all be part of this new tough, ready to fight, kind of guy.. well, i'm not tough.
individuals wife
Well, I'm not tough. I don't like fighting. I can't take a punch well, physically or verbally. The more I try to act tough, the sillier I look and the more desperate I become since I know absolutely nothing about being tough. Its just not me.
((((Joel))))) Just be yourself - you are a wonderful person, you don't need to change - we appreciate you for who you are, somehow a tough Joelbear doesnt sound quite right!
Grrrr... ANGRY... Society Quotes
by individuals wife insilly question really.... did you ever read anything in the societies publications that really made you angry??
i mean, the sort of angry that makes you throw the mag across the room or even the sort of angry that makes you never go to another meeting again?.
quotes from publications that made me angry - .
individuals wife
Two more gems for you..... can you believe the second one?!?!!? Unbelievable!
** w98 8/1 5 At Last-Justice for All ***
Jehovah's Witnesses strive to subdue prejudice, partiality, racism, and violence.*** w99 10/1 9 "For Everything There Is an Appointed Time" ***
20 Should even married couples occasionally "keep away from embracing"? Evidently so in a sense, for Paul noted: "This I say, brothers, the time left is reduced. Henceforth let those who have wives be as though they had none." (1 Corinthians 7:29) -
by ballistic in"who tells their members they have the truth, but keep changing the truth?
... who tells their members they are open minded, but don't allow them to hear alternative views?
...who tells their members not to join political organisations and joins the un?
individuals wife
They sure managed to bank a lot of money though eh?! ;)
Grrrr... ANGRY... Society Quotes
by individuals wife insilly question really.... did you ever read anything in the societies publications that really made you angry??
i mean, the sort of angry that makes you throw the mag across the room or even the sort of angry that makes you never go to another meeting again?.
quotes from publications that made me angry - .
individuals wife
Silly question really.... did you ever read anything in the societies publications that really made you ANGRY?? I mean, the sort of angry that makes you throw the mag across the room or even the sort of angry that makes you never go to another meeting again?
Quotes from publications that made me ANGRY -
*** w92 12/1 16 "Bring All the Tenth Parts Into the Storehouse" ***
We feel impelled to serve Jehovah to the greatest extent possible. If we were to stint or give grudgingly of ourselves or our resources, this would be tantamount to our robbing God.-Compare Luke 21:1-4.How dare they say that? What a way to use guilt! This quote sickened me so much that I actually used it in my da letter....
*** w88 3/15 18 Serving as Jehovah's Trusting Fellow Workers ***
Another test of our loyalty to our brothers arises when those whom Jehovah is using to take the lead err in judgment. Now and then, such mistakes have been used by some as an excuse to take umbrage and disassociate themselves from Jehovah's visible organization. But is their course of action justified? By no means!.... Furthermore, suppose a person was to separate himself from Jehovah's people. Where could he go?.... There is nowhere else to go but to "Babylon the Great," the world empire of false religion, or into the clutches of Satan's political "wild beast." (Revelation 13:1; 18:1-5) Largely, disloyal ones who have left Jehovah's visible organization have made common cause with those in God-dishonoring "Babylon the Great."Where could he go? Lots of places! How arrogant! Yes, we may have got things wrong, but, hell, where else are you gonna go? What a motive for staying!!! Where is the love in that?
*** g99 1/8 13 Protecting Freedoms-How? ***
By acquiring an accurate understanding of God's purposes for mankind, you can counter ignorance and intolerance.YEAH, RIGHT! I think the JWs are about the most intolerant people I have ever met.
Anybody else got quotes that really make them spit?
by anglise incan anyone give me any latest info on how df or da persons are to be treated.. this is urgent.. thanks
individuals wife
In my experience, and I da'd only last November, shunning is still very much practised. I have no contact with anyone in the congregation, all have chosen, or been directed rather, to treat me as though I were dead. So unChristian. I do not believe there is any change in this practice, no 'latest information', no softening or compromise at all. Incidentally I have also had no follow up visits from elders to see if I have had a change of heart.
From all accounts this is still the same for df persons, no contact so as to keep the congregation clean. I believe that association with da'd or df'd ones is in itself a disfellowshipping 'offence'.
Wicked is'nt it, so cruel. Glad to be out of it all.
Are you having problems anglise, anything we can do to help?
"Hey there all you lurkey ones..."
by Simon inhmmn, doesn't quite work does it?
ok...we'll stick with 'thirsty' then .
why not register and make a post or two...ask a question...make a statement...whatever !.
individuals wife
Formerone, Lostboy, Crownboy and Karen7680
Welcome to you all! So good to meet you!
Every new face I see on this board gets me so excited! Like I have said before, it is really encouraging to see that people are waking up to the real 'truth' behind the organisation.
Any more lurkers care to introduce themselves? We would be thrilled to bits to hear from you!
by nyc_gal inthis site is not an official website of jehovah's .
i cannot believe some of the horrible things i have read here.
individuals wife
nyc_gal - I agree with you on one point....
I cannot believe some of the horrible things I have read here.
I too find some of the things I read here horrible, but unfortunately they are true - hypocrisy concerning the UN, the Silentlambs issue, the way families are torn apart by the evil practice of shunning, the depression, the suicides, the years wasting chasing after a dream that is simply based on the ideas of men.... truly horrible.
This is not an official site of the JWs but I believe this site stands as a beacon of hope for those that have been betrayed and mislead and shows the whole world a true picture of what life is like both within the organisation and after it. You will find more 'truth' here than in any Kingdom Hall.
"Hey there all you lurkey ones..."
by Simon inhmmn, doesn't quite work does it?
ok...we'll stick with 'thirsty' then .
why not register and make a post or two...ask a question...make a statement...whatever !.
individuals wife
Steven and Wife
So, so, so good to have you here! And another UK'er too - brilliant. I was a 'rapid' one as well, pioneering one month then out the next - was at a bookstudy one night then came home and typed up my letter of disassociation. Have not looked back since. There was no point in dragging it out for me, I saw the hypocrisy and the errors and just ran. Then I found all this information on the internet and felt so justified in my actions - I felt so relieved that I was not alone, not the only one to walk away.
I admire your courage in sending in your da letters - it takes a lot of guts to stand up to the organisation, it also takes a lot of guts to put up with the shunning - an inevitable fact of life when you leave. I am so glad that you have each other to lean on at this time, my husband left at the same time as I did which made things a whole lot easier, I don't think I could have coped very well living in a divided household....
I sincerely wish you well for your future, enjoy the freedom that has been denied you for so long. Good to have you here!